2014年11月20日 星期四

Sail.js 教學/影片/tutorial/Video (1)

sailsCast (1)

Learning about sails.js one screencast at a time. It is a clear tutorial for sails.js.

這是目前看到sail.js寫得最詳細的blog,如果對於sails.js完全陌生,而又想要往full stack發展,相信這是最快的捷徑,開啟你的電腦照著底下去操作,將會很快就掌握sails的架構用法,快速開發出自己的web app。

▼ 1. Creating a Restful Json Api in Less Than 15 Seconds Using sails.js

▼ 2. What the Heck Is activityOverlord and Why Should I Care?

▼ 3. Building a Sails Application: Ep1 - Installing Sails and Create Initial Project

▼ 4. Building a Sails Application: Ep2 - Creating a Sign-up Page, 'First-look' at Routes, and Adding Twitter Bootstrap.

▼ 5. Building a Sails Application: Ep2a - Stuff I Forgot to Mention in Episode two...because I'm Old.

Edited by irl nathan

